Friday, September 28, 2012

The Abrahamic Covenant

In class we spent a unit learning about the blessings and importance of the Abrahamic Covenant.
One of the assignments this unit was to write about what it means to be a part of Israel.  Here are my thoughts. 
 “What does it mean to be a part of Israel?”
Being a part of Israel means that we have a responsibility to make covenants with God, and to give the chance to others to make those same covenants.  Through the last week I have really been pondering on the imporance of knowing where you came from.  We coudln't be here if it weren't for somebody else.  It is because of our ancestors that we are on this earth.  The importance of choosing to recieve a patriarchal blessing is that we find out more about our ancestors.  We find which line we come from, and belong to in the House of Israel.  There is strengh in a name and there is strength in knowing where you came from.  Your liniage is your family, and there is eternal strength in families.  This creates a greater mission in life because we need to bring our famlies together.  All those who are in our lineage cannot recieve the Gospel without us, and we need eternal links to be together someday.  The Abrahamic Covenant can be a driving force in our lives because of the power behind them.  We are promised land, and eternal increase, but I think one of the biggest things that motivates me know is the fact that all of my children have the chance at eternal increase.  I want the best for my children, and this is it.  Exaltation is the number one thing that I can give them, and the Abrahamic Covenent is what provides that for them.

Here is one of the assignments that maps out the things Heavenly Father has promised, and things we promise to do.

The Abrahamic Covenant
God’s Promises
  1. Eternal Increase (BD; Gen. 13:16; 17:2, 4, 6)
  2.  All blessings offered to posterity (D&C 132: 29-50, Abr. 2:6-11)
  3.  Christ come through Abrahams lineage
  4.  Abrahams Posterity receive certain lands as inheritance
  5.  Priesthood (Abraham 1:2, 18, 19, 31)
  6.  Eternal blessing for posterity who listen to ministry.  (Abraham 2: 6, 9-13)
  7.  Great Nation (Abraham 2:9 Gen. 12:2)
  8.  Eternal Families (Gen. 12:3)
  9.  Riches (Gen. 13:2)
  10.  Blessings (Gen. 12:3)
  11.  Fruitful Lineage (Gen. 17:6)
  12.  All kindreds of the earth be blessed (1 Nephi 15:18)
  13.  Exaltation (BD)
  14.  Revelation (BD)
  15.  Saving ordinances for all of God’s children (BD)
Our Promises
  1. Get Baptized (BD)
  2.  Make and Keep Covenants (BD)
  3.  Minister to God’s Children (BD)
  4.  Celestial Marriage (BD)
  5.  Honor Priesthood (Abr. 1:2)
  6.  Be righteous/obedient
  7.  Keep records/preserve scriptures (Abr. 1:31)
  8.  Hearken to his voice (Abr. 2:13)
  9.  Build Alter/Sacrifice (Gen. 12:7)
  10.  Be perfect (Gen 17:1)
Here is a story about a King and some children he adopted.  I think this relates to the Abrahamic Covenant because we have been given so many blessings and we need to share them, and spread our message to all of God's children.
     There once was a kingdom of poverty, but five were chosen to live with the king. They were given all they could ask for and more. Three of the children worked hard, but kept the gifts of what had been given them for themselves. These three caused the kingdom to be angry, and think the king was unfair and unkind.
     The other two never forgot what had been done for them, and knew the reason they were blessed was to bless others. They caused the people to rejoice in how good the king was. 
     We have been given a great blessing in receiving the gifts of the Gospel, just like the children who received the gifts from the King. Many may work hard, but do not share the Gospel with others, taking it for granted that somebody else will share those blessings, just like the first three children. This causes some people to doubt the goodness of God, why would he offer something so good, but only give it to some?
     Others who have received the Gospel understand that it is a gift, and gifts are best used to bless others. Their joy is found in bringing the Gospel to others, just as the last two children brought blessings to the people. This helped the people to understand that their king was kind and loving, just like our Heavenly Father!

Ok, ok, I know this is getting long, but bear with me.  There is a lot about the Abrahamic Covenant that we can relate to our own lives.  Here is an assignment that helped me to see how it relates to my life.
Record the blessings you have been given and the ways you have been prepared so that you can bless Heavenly Father’s children:
___The greatest blessing that I have been given is that of my Famliy.  I have been blessed with wonderful parents who have taught me in the ways of the Gospel.  The have always been a piller of support and examples of truth.  I am blessed with great siblings who I know that I can lean on for strength and for love.  I have been blessed with a loving husband, who is the best man I could have ever asked for.  My baby boy, Hudson, is also a great blessing in my life.  He brings me joy in the hours that I just can’t feel it.  I have been blessed with a desire to learn, and a love of reading.  I have been blessed with musical talents to help build God’s kingdom.  The greatest blessing that I have been given though is that of the Gospel.  And most importantly a Savior.  A Savior who would die for me, simply so that mercy could be given to me, even when I am unworthy.
Record the promises of God that cause you to want to be involved in the Abrahamic Covenant:
_The biggest promise of God that causes me to want to be involved is the promise that the seed of Abraham will receive Eternal increase.  That means my children.  My children can have eternal increase if they chose so.  I want to be involved with this covenant because it is the best way to teach my children of all the blessings that come from the Abrahamic Covenant and the promise of eternal increase.  I want to teach them of the Glory of God, and I want to be together with them forever someday.
State the specific things you feel you should do with your blessings and preparation so that you can receive the promises of God:
__I think one of the most specific things that I can do is to be the Mother to my children that I know my Heavenly Father wants me to be.  It is more important that I pray with my children, and sing primary songs than read brain- engaging books.  It is more important that I teach them about faith and love for their brother than finding super-awesome crafts that they just have to do in order for me to be a good mom.  If I focus on the things of the Kingdom, Heavenly Father will help me to help my children be successful in the world.  He will help me find activities to help them learn, and he will help me to take advantage of the moments to teach them.

Family: The Eternal Perspective -by John Groberg

This assignment was to read a talk by Elder John Groberg.  If the name sounds familiar, that is because the movie "The Other Side of Heaven," was based off of his mission in Tonga.  I got to go to a fireside where he and his wife Jean spoke to us, and it was an experience I will never forget.  I remember going home from it, and wanting to be as faithful as he and his wife were.  And that I would be able to listen to the Spirit as well as they did, and face adversity with such strength.  
     Well, here is another lesson from Elder Groberg.  He wrote a talk entitled "Family the Eternal Perspective."  What a great talk.  If you can ever find a way to read it I highly recommend it.  I would just post it here, but it is way too lengthy, and this book is about what I remembered, not the article itself.
   So here is what I learned from this talk.   The first thing that I want to write about was something he said on page 3.  "A veil of forgetfulness was drawn over us so that we could better learn by faith…but we did not forget everything.  Deep inside of us is an intense longing to experience the same joy, love and security in our earthly family that we enjoyed in our Heavenly Family."  The truthfulness in this is clear.  We did forget everything, but we still are able to remember the feelings of joy, love, and security within a family.  We each yearn for these feelings, which may be the reason why family conflicts hurt so much.  Families are the most important thing that we have and through Elder Groberg's talk I can understand even more why this is so.  Families are bound together so that as Elder Groberg said, we can create our own eternal families.  And what more can we have for eternity that is more precious to us than our families? 
     I think one reason the family bond is such a strong one is because we are able to give family members things that nobody else can.  Elder Groberg said on pg. 14 that "We are here to do things for others that they cannot do for themselves, such as vicarious temple ordinances and having children."  Our ancestors cannot make sacred covenants with the Lord by themselves.  They need us to do it.  Our posterity cannot receive a body without us giving them one.  It takes a husband and a wife to create a child, they cannot give themselves life.  These are things that are similar to Christ's atonement.  We cannot give ourselves eternal life and exaltation, but Christ can.  He has made all things possible for us to live in eternal families, and for that we are eternally blessed.  Thus we must pass on these eternal blessings and do that for our ancestors, and posterity, that which they cannot do.   

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Plan of Salvation

                This next assignment was an optional one, but I am really glad that I did it.  I got the opportunity to look through “Plan of Salvation” pages on the church website.  There was a lot of learning information on there, and for the last few days of class we have been learning about the Plan of Salvation as well.  Though this unit my understanding and testimony of the Plan of Salvation has really grown.
                The website speaks about how we often look for things in this life that we can hold on to, things that will last.  It speaks about how many people will look for temporal things to make them happy, and we look for money and riches to bring happiness.  Then here is the big quote, “But we eventually realize that life is temporary.”  This really hit me, because often I get so frantic that we don’t have enough money, that we won’t have enough money to live off of and that I won’t be able to be as trendy, or have a great big house, or get my kids all the things that I would like.  But I am starting to realize lately that these things don’t matter.  As long as we make enough to survive, does it really matter if we are rich?  Is it really that big of a deal to have a nice new house with all of the trendy décor?  Is it worth it to put all that time and effort into it to only leave it behind and realize that I didn’t put my work into the things I can take with me?  My house isn’t coming, but my relationship with my family will.  My car isn’t coming, but my love to learn is.  I think that is one of the amazing things about Heavenly Father’s plan is that we are able to take with us the things that bring us true joy.  Knowledge, family, wisdom, and a testimony. 
                The Plan of Salvation is truly a way for us to know how much Heavenly Father loves us.  When we cherish something, or someone, and it/they go away for a time, aren’t we always overjoyed to have them return to us?  This has to be the way Heavenly Father feels.   We lived with him before in the Pre-Mortal world.  Heavenly Father knew we would have to leave to find our own way, but he knew he wanted us returned to him someday because we are what make him happy, and he is what makes us happy.  So, in order for us to return, he created a plan that allowed us to be in his presence, even when we have done imperfect things. 
                Joe and I watched the move Courageous a few weeks ago and an analogy was made that really struck me.   There are two characters that are talking, one has done something wrong, and the other tells him that he needs to repent of that because we are judged according to our works.  The first man then says “well I just hope my good outweighs my bad.”  The second replies that it doesn’t work like that.  He then makes this great analogy.  If there is a man that has committed a murder he would need to receive a punishment and justice would have to be in order. Then when he appears before the judge in court he says “well I have done a lot of good in my life, so this one bad thing shouldn’t matter.”  If the judge let him go based off of that statement, we could consider him to be a bad judge.  Heavenly Father cannot allow the wrong we have done to be outweighed by the good.  If he is a true and honest judge, then we will have to be responsible for the bad that we have done.  And since only those who are clean can dwell in the presence of our Father, we would not be able to be with him.  This is where the atonement comes into play.  Jesus Christ has taken the punishment for those things we have done wrong.  He suffered the punishment so that we wouldn’t have to and so that we can be made pure and return to Heavenly Father.  Because of Christ’s love and atonement mercy is allowed to overcome justice, but only if we will repent of that which we have done wrong and allow for the Atonement to become a daily part of our lives.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ don’t want us to live with this burden, they want us to let it go and to no longer carry such weight.
                The Plan of Salvation is what makes all of this possible.  Heavenly Father created this plan that those who have done imperfect things to be able to return to him because he is overjoyed by our presence.  We have this life on earth to be tried and tested, to learn all we can, to create families, and to make covenants with our Father in Heaven.  But, his plan has allowed for those who haven’t done these things to receive them at a later time.  There is a Spirit world where we are allowed to rest from the troubles of the world, and those who were not able to learn about Heavenly Father’s Gospel now have the opportunity.  And we, as Saints have the opportunity to do that work for them.  What a great blessing it is to give to others the thing most precious to them.  They cannot make these covenants for themselves, but we can do it for them.  We can give the chance to return to our Heavenly Father to them, just as Christ gave that chance to us.  I am so grateful for our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation so much, and I am so happy to know that I can return to him someday because of this plan.  Because of this plan I can be with my husband, my sweet baby, and the rest of my family again someday, and we will get to be together forever. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Testimony

Well here it is!  My first assignment!  I am really excited about this one, because it is one of the most precious things that I have and I am excited to get to share it.  For this assignment I will be sharing my testimony and my goals in life.

First I'm going to start with my goals in life.
     1) Be the wife that my Husband needs and support him throughout life.  To listen to him, and to provide       him with the strength and comfort that I can give him.
     2) To teach my children in righteousness and to help them grow to their greatest potential.
     3) To be with all of my children together in the Temple one day.
     4) To be with all of my siblings and parents together in the Temple one day.
     5) To be in a musical (or an opera)
     6) To sing with Mormon Tabernacle Choir someday (while this may never be is still a goal!)
     7) To get my Bachelors Degree
     8) To get my Master's Degree
     9) To go to hair school
     10) To run a half marathon
     11) To have my own studio where the arts are taught.  This means finding an artist and a dancer to both be a part of my studio, to teach children about the joys and rewards of good art.
     12) To not judge others when I don't always know their situation, and even when I do, to not judge.
     13) To always remember to put Heavenly Father first, and that having integrity is much more important than anything else that could compromise it.  
     14) To accept life for what it is, and to find Joy in the Journey.

     My testimony is something that has seen me though the hardest times of my life.  It has been a source of strength and comfort knowing what I believe in during the times when there seemed like there was nothing believable.  It has been a constant reminder to me of a Heavenly Father who loves me and a Savior who has died for me, and both are waiting to fill me with their love whenever I may ask for it.
     I know that I am a child of God.  I know that I have been created in the image of a loving Heavenly Father who wants nothing more than for me to return to him someday.  I know that he has sent me to this earth to be tested and to go through trials that I may learn from them, and become better because of them.  I know that through his Plan of Salvation that I have been provided with a Savior to atone for the things that I cannot.  Without Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation there would be no way for me to return to him, and live with him eternally.
     I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World and that he as suffered for the sins of mankind so that justice can be fulfilled and mercy given.  I know that he is a kind Savior who did these things for me because he loves me, and all of God's children.  And I also know that at anytime when I am feeling hurt, or lost, or afraid, that he is patiently waiting with open arms to take away my pain, because that is what his atonement does.  It takes away the pains of life and lets us be whole again to reach the full potential that we can.  I also know that Jesus will come again one day, and it is my dearest hope that he will look at me and say "well done."  I want to live my life in such a way that he will be proud to call me his own.  I know that no matter what you have done, there is always a way to return.  That is what the Atonement has provided for us.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us so much that they do not desire for us to suffer, they want our happiness.  Through the process of repentance we can find this happiness that Heavenly Father so deeply desires that we obtain.
    I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that he has Restored God's only true church with the complete doctrine of Heavenly Fathers will.  I am blessed to be a member of this church that I know to be true and that I love so dearly.  I also know that we are lead by a living prophet today, Thomas S. Monson, I sustain him as a Prophet of God, and I support him in all that he does and asks.  I know that he is a prophet of God and that if I will follow his teachings, and the teachings of the Twelve Apostles, that I will never be led astray.
    I know the Book of Mormon is true.  And it has blessed my life significantly.  I know it is a place where truth, and answers, can be found.  It is a source of guidance and strength to me, and there is always something to learn about God's love for his children.  It tells true stories of true prophets of God, and I know that if it is read with the desire to learn and find what is righteous and true.  The answers and guidance will come, and truth will be found.
     I know that the Priesthood is the true power of God given to man.  I have seen the miracles that it has brought to pass, and of the strength it provides having it in my own home.  I know that the protection of Heaven comes through the Priesthood of God.  It is what sets this church apart from all others, and it a blessing and privilege to have it.  I have been a recipient of many Priesthood blessings, and I have seen the promises made in them come true.  I have received strength and comfort from the Lord through these blessings and I have further come to see his hand in my life because of them.  I know that Priesthood is what enables many righteous things to come to pass.
     I know that families were made to be forever.  Through the covenants we make in God's holy temples, families no longer are separated by death.  I know that my family is mine forever, I will never have to be without them, and I take comfort in that.  My amazing husband and I have been sealed for time and eternity, and our precious little boy has been sealed to us.  I know that this is the way it was meant to be.  Families are meant to be together and to support and sustain one another.
     I know that Temples are the House of the Lord.  We go there to make covenants with him, not to bind us to rules, but to free us from the chains of the world.  It is through doing God's will, and being obedient to his commandments that we are liberated and find true happiness.  The Temple is a great place of refuge for me in the storms of life, and it offers peace to my soul.  It is also where I can share my happiness of the gospel with those who have gone before me, but not yet received it.
    This is my testimony.  I know God lives, I know he loves me.  I know that Jesus has suffered all things for me and that families are forever.  I know that this is the true church, and I will follow it, and be proud to be a member of it for all the days of my life.  I am grateful for this opportunity that I have had to write my testimony and to be able to share it with those I love most.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Why a Book of Remembrance?

So, for all few of you that look at my blog pages and the things that I post, here is my newest project.  A Book of Remembrance.  This actually is an assignment for school, but I think that this will be a great opportunity for me to write down and record things about myself that not very many people know, and it will help me to learn some new things about myself.  This is a fun way for me to create a mini journal, because I am terrible at journaling, and terrible at blogging, so maybe the two of them combined with the addition of it being homework, I am going to do something great!  So here we go for an awesome adventure...all about remembering me!  (This is for posterity you know...)