Friday, September 28, 2012

The Abrahamic Covenant

In class we spent a unit learning about the blessings and importance of the Abrahamic Covenant.
One of the assignments this unit was to write about what it means to be a part of Israel.  Here are my thoughts. 
 “What does it mean to be a part of Israel?”
Being a part of Israel means that we have a responsibility to make covenants with God, and to give the chance to others to make those same covenants.  Through the last week I have really been pondering on the imporance of knowing where you came from.  We coudln't be here if it weren't for somebody else.  It is because of our ancestors that we are on this earth.  The importance of choosing to recieve a patriarchal blessing is that we find out more about our ancestors.  We find which line we come from, and belong to in the House of Israel.  There is strengh in a name and there is strength in knowing where you came from.  Your liniage is your family, and there is eternal strength in families.  This creates a greater mission in life because we need to bring our famlies together.  All those who are in our lineage cannot recieve the Gospel without us, and we need eternal links to be together someday.  The Abrahamic Covenant can be a driving force in our lives because of the power behind them.  We are promised land, and eternal increase, but I think one of the biggest things that motivates me know is the fact that all of my children have the chance at eternal increase.  I want the best for my children, and this is it.  Exaltation is the number one thing that I can give them, and the Abrahamic Covenent is what provides that for them.

Here is one of the assignments that maps out the things Heavenly Father has promised, and things we promise to do.

The Abrahamic Covenant
God’s Promises
  1. Eternal Increase (BD; Gen. 13:16; 17:2, 4, 6)
  2.  All blessings offered to posterity (D&C 132: 29-50, Abr. 2:6-11)
  3.  Christ come through Abrahams lineage
  4.  Abrahams Posterity receive certain lands as inheritance
  5.  Priesthood (Abraham 1:2, 18, 19, 31)
  6.  Eternal blessing for posterity who listen to ministry.  (Abraham 2: 6, 9-13)
  7.  Great Nation (Abraham 2:9 Gen. 12:2)
  8.  Eternal Families (Gen. 12:3)
  9.  Riches (Gen. 13:2)
  10.  Blessings (Gen. 12:3)
  11.  Fruitful Lineage (Gen. 17:6)
  12.  All kindreds of the earth be blessed (1 Nephi 15:18)
  13.  Exaltation (BD)
  14.  Revelation (BD)
  15.  Saving ordinances for all of God’s children (BD)
Our Promises
  1. Get Baptized (BD)
  2.  Make and Keep Covenants (BD)
  3.  Minister to God’s Children (BD)
  4.  Celestial Marriage (BD)
  5.  Honor Priesthood (Abr. 1:2)
  6.  Be righteous/obedient
  7.  Keep records/preserve scriptures (Abr. 1:31)
  8.  Hearken to his voice (Abr. 2:13)
  9.  Build Alter/Sacrifice (Gen. 12:7)
  10.  Be perfect (Gen 17:1)
Here is a story about a King and some children he adopted.  I think this relates to the Abrahamic Covenant because we have been given so many blessings and we need to share them, and spread our message to all of God's children.
     There once was a kingdom of poverty, but five were chosen to live with the king. They were given all they could ask for and more. Three of the children worked hard, but kept the gifts of what had been given them for themselves. These three caused the kingdom to be angry, and think the king was unfair and unkind.
     The other two never forgot what had been done for them, and knew the reason they were blessed was to bless others. They caused the people to rejoice in how good the king was. 
     We have been given a great blessing in receiving the gifts of the Gospel, just like the children who received the gifts from the King. Many may work hard, but do not share the Gospel with others, taking it for granted that somebody else will share those blessings, just like the first three children. This causes some people to doubt the goodness of God, why would he offer something so good, but only give it to some?
     Others who have received the Gospel understand that it is a gift, and gifts are best used to bless others. Their joy is found in bringing the Gospel to others, just as the last two children brought blessings to the people. This helped the people to understand that their king was kind and loving, just like our Heavenly Father!

Ok, ok, I know this is getting long, but bear with me.  There is a lot about the Abrahamic Covenant that we can relate to our own lives.  Here is an assignment that helped me to see how it relates to my life.
Record the blessings you have been given and the ways you have been prepared so that you can bless Heavenly Father’s children:
___The greatest blessing that I have been given is that of my Famliy.  I have been blessed with wonderful parents who have taught me in the ways of the Gospel.  The have always been a piller of support and examples of truth.  I am blessed with great siblings who I know that I can lean on for strength and for love.  I have been blessed with a loving husband, who is the best man I could have ever asked for.  My baby boy, Hudson, is also a great blessing in my life.  He brings me joy in the hours that I just can’t feel it.  I have been blessed with a desire to learn, and a love of reading.  I have been blessed with musical talents to help build God’s kingdom.  The greatest blessing that I have been given though is that of the Gospel.  And most importantly a Savior.  A Savior who would die for me, simply so that mercy could be given to me, even when I am unworthy.
Record the promises of God that cause you to want to be involved in the Abrahamic Covenant:
_The biggest promise of God that causes me to want to be involved is the promise that the seed of Abraham will receive Eternal increase.  That means my children.  My children can have eternal increase if they chose so.  I want to be involved with this covenant because it is the best way to teach my children of all the blessings that come from the Abrahamic Covenant and the promise of eternal increase.  I want to teach them of the Glory of God, and I want to be together with them forever someday.
State the specific things you feel you should do with your blessings and preparation so that you can receive the promises of God:
__I think one of the most specific things that I can do is to be the Mother to my children that I know my Heavenly Father wants me to be.  It is more important that I pray with my children, and sing primary songs than read brain- engaging books.  It is more important that I teach them about faith and love for their brother than finding super-awesome crafts that they just have to do in order for me to be a good mom.  If I focus on the things of the Kingdom, Heavenly Father will help me to help my children be successful in the world.  He will help me find activities to help them learn, and he will help me to take advantage of the moments to teach them.

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