Friday, November 30, 2012

My Favorite Temple

We did this assignment awhile ago, but I really wanted to share it because it is all about my favorite temple, and I really would love for this to be included in my Book of Remembrance.

Decisions Determine Destiny

 Twin Falls Idaho Temple
Dedicated August  24, 2008
By President Thomas S. Monson

   In 1996 the 14 Stake Presidents in the Magic Valley area co-authored a letter to President Hinckley stating their desire for a Temple to be built in the Twin Falls Area.
  In June of 2004 President Hinckley visited the area to find a site for the Twin Falls Temple to be built.
The Candleridge Golf Course was purchased as the new site for the Temple

The Testimony of an Authority
The Temple was announced in October 2004 at the semi-annual general conference. 
The groundbreaking for the Twin Falls Temple was held on April 15, 2006.
The ceremony was presided by Elder Neil A. Anderson of the Presidency of the Seventy
"Our children and our children's children will not travel to the Twin Falls temple by buggy, but they,   too, will remember their days in   the Twin Falls temple. The   temple is our solemn testimony   to the immortality of the soul.”

The Temple was constructed to overlook the beautiful Shoshone Falls, a landmark of Twin Falls. 

A Controversy?
Many of the residents in the area surrounding the Golf Course opposed the building of the Twin Falls Temple, stating that the they had bought their homes to overlook a Golf Course, and that their property value would decrease.
In response, the Church created pamphlets and other printed materials stating their intent to work with the residents of the area, and that the Temple would be a place of beauty and peace.
The House of the Lord

On May 30, 2007 the Angel
Moroni was set in place in the Spire above the Temple, marking the completion of the exterior of the Twin FallsTemple

The Open House
Five weeks prior to the opening of the Twin Falls Temple an open house was held for member of the community to tour the Temple. (I got to put on the foot coverings!)
Over 159,000 attended the open house.  23,00 more than expected
After completing the tour, community members were           invited for refreshments and to learn more about the gospel.

A Celebration
The night before the dedication a Youth Cultural Celebration was held, celebrating the history of the Magic Valley through song and dance.

"I think you will always remember the part you had here. You can't help but remember it.”  -President Thomas S. Monson, Youth Cultural Celebration, 2008

The Dedication
The Twin Falls Temple was dedicated on August 24, 2008 by President Thomas S. Monson. 
  “And now we dedicate this temple as an abode for Thee and Thy Son. Let Thy glorious light ever shine upon it. Wilt Thou place Thy ratifying seal of approval upon this dedicatory service and upon all we have done and shall do in this, Thy Holy House, which we now present to Thee.”

What makes this Temple Special to Me
I grew up in the Magic Valley, and so the Twin Falls Temple played a big role in my youth
    I was able to see it’s progress as it was built, and I was also able to be a part of the Youth Cultural Celebration. 
    It took months of preparation, plenty of Wednesday nights and many Saturday mornings, but President Monson was correct, I can’t help but to remember this amazing experience.  It was a night where everything was about the Lord, we referred to it as “dancing for Jesus.”  I will never forget the witness I received that night of President Monson being a true prophet, and of the house of the Lord. 

(These are the girls from my ward, I'm not in the picture, but I still thought I would include this.)
The Twin Falls Temple is also very special to me because it is where I was sealed to my Husband on October 23, 2010

Decision Determines Destiny
At the Youth Cultural Celebration, President Monson introduced the 3 D’s, three words that we should always remember and apply to our lives.  Decision determines destiny.  The decisions we make will determine the destiny that we receive.  Righteous decisions will always bring a righteous destiny.  May we always remember that the decision to attend the Temple will bring a promised destiny.

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