Friday, November 30, 2012

Spirit World

For class I got to create a presentation on the Spirit World.  Here is what I learned.

The Spirit World
  • Where Do I Go When I Die?
    • Heavenly Father has created a plan. This is a plan for our salvation. Part of this plan is what happens to our Spirits after our mortal bodies die. The Plan of Salvation provides that after death, we go to the Spirit World.
  • What is the Spirit World?
    • ž“The spirit world is a place of waiting, working, learning, and, for the righteous, resting from care and sorrow. Our spirits will live there until we are ready for our resurrection.” 
                                    -Gospel Principles Manuel, pg. 240

  • Where is the Spirit World?
    • As taught by Latter Day Prophets, the spirits of those who have died are not far from us. 
    žBrigham Young even taught that this world is around us, on this earth.
    žOften we are blessed with the presence of loved ones who have gone before, and Ezra Taft Benson said that “Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us”

  • What are our Spirit's like?
    • žAll spirits are in adult form. They are in the same form of their mortal bodies with the exception that Spirits are in their perfect form. 
    žThe nature of our Spirits are the same in the Spirit World as they were on earth. The same appetites and attitudes towards righteousness on earth will be the same in the Spirit World.

  • Spirit Paradise...?
    • žThere are two parts of the Spirit World. 
    žSpirit Paradise is where those who led pure lives will live as they wait for their bodies to be resurrected. Alma 40:12 teaches that the Spirit Paradise is a place of rest, a state of happiness and peace. But, it is also a place to work. Those who live in Spirit Paradise have a responsibility to teach those about the Gospel that did not learn it in their mortal life

  • Or Spirit Prison?
    • žThose who have not received the Gospel of Christ dwell in Spirit Prison. 
    žThey all still have their agencies, and once taught the Gospel, they are allowed to choose to accept it, or reject it.
    žThose who accept the Gospel are welcomed into the Spirit Paradise to dwell with their families.
    žThose who reject it (in their mortal life or their spirit life) must remain in Spirit Prison and are subject to what is known as hell.

  • What about our Families?
    • žJedediah M. Grant, councilor to Brigham Young saw the Spirit World and described that the Spirit Paradise was organized into familial units. There were deficiencies in some, where family member who had not honored their earthly callings were not permitted to be with their families.
  • What we must do?
    • žFamily History Work! 
      • “The ordinances you so cherish are offered only in this world. Someone in this world must go to a holy temple and accept the covenants on behalf of the person in the spirit world. That is why we are under obligation to find the names of our ancestors and ensure that they are offered by us what they cannot receive there without our help.” Elder Henry B. Eyring, “Hearts Bound Together.” General Conference, April 2005

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